PILEVNELI is pleased to announce the representation of BANU ANKA

PİLEVNELİ is pleased to announce the representation of Banu Anka!

Banu Anka was born in Iran. She earned her BFA in Painting at Tehran University of Art in 2009. She studied “Painting and Art History” at Toronto ACS Academy in 2013, and got her MFA in painting at Yeditepe University 2018 where she wrote her thesis under the supervision of Ergin İnan. Anka’s figurative works mostly contain human figures drawn with a hyper realistic technique. She puts emphasis on the eyes of the figures and their looks. The hyperrealism in her work is accompanied by abstract elements.

From 2009 to 2014, she participated in various exhibitions in Tehran, and won Iran’s Art For Peace Festival Award in 2015. She moved from Iran to Istanbul in 2013. Banu Anka lives and works in Istanbul.
October 18, 2024
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